There are many way to play here I will instruct you one way.
If you think it’s difficult to complete this step you can save it five times.
To save the game press” Num Enter” clicks IGI HQ when next windows comes click
“Upload mission data to IGI HQ”. When start the game press Num-Enter and
observe what you have to do. Remember one thing this is a difficult step so
play carefully be alert save game data time to time you can overwrite your save
data. However Lets start move backward behind the hill find slop as mention in
the picture and go down carefully.
Reach the pointed tree from there use SMG-2 shot maximum of
your enemies. Then move to object one there two person are waiting to shot you
so kill them first. When the camp is secure move to next don’t do any things we
will back there soon.
Reach the street side trees from the pointed tree shot your enemies
with SMG-2. Press Num-Enter to see enemies position kill them all then move
Be careful Shot the street side enemies and reaches near the
camp. From the trees side keep yourself hidden and shot all enemies secure the
Now back to the camp one reach the pointed area press 7.
From about 20miter distance press Left mouse to lock the Object one.
After 20sec move back
fast when Object one destroyed quickly reaches the second don’t take too much
time. Again Press 7 and Lock the second object by Pressing Left mouse.
After this object done follow the left side path but care
full there are two sniper men waiting shot them and keep yourself hidden. When
road is clear then are proceed to move forward.
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